Monday, 8 February 2016


Since the very start of my A2 blog I already knew what I wanted to do and how I was planning to go about it. As you can see for yourself there is so much synergy going on from my very first post all the way to my last post. I distinguished the title fonts from my final product to the digipak fonts because I wanted to give a lot more power to the digipak covers with a really bold font to emphasis braveness. I already plan to make my final product different to other creating awareness of bullying products out there. I already knew from day one that I wanted the victim to stand up for herself at the very end of the music video and let the bullies know that what they're doing to her is wrong. I've talked about this a lot on my blog posts about how the idea of creating awareness of bullying originated from my love for South Korean culture. Specifically talking it was the South Korean Drama Angry Mom and School 2015 which engaged me so much into using aspects from their culture and combined it with the London style. I felt like what South Korea had to offer is what the UK doesn't have. The funny thing about this is that I already had the song made beforehand which gave me the bigger advantage. I could've done extra work by showing how the song was created and what I had to do in order to make it sound that good with my teammates but I decided not to as everyone's time shifted. 

Moreover, you can easily tell that there is synergy going on in my A2 blog with the South Korean culture implemented inside it by the template background design which has Korean characters saying the word "Reset" which is my songs name. Why I named it "Reset" was simply because the victim in my story is going through what she believes is hell to her and she wants to reset this whole scenario. It's like a time-leap she just wants to get out of that situation. This text correlates extremely well with my header design as it shows my victim in a rough state standing in-front of a broken up wall. The broken up wall convey's how she feels victimized and how her life is unhappy. Also, if you look at the header properly you would notice that the victim is not wearing any make-up and is revealing her spots which linkup with her first few shots in the music video where she looks really distressed. There was also a specific reason why I got oriental girls to be playing as the victims it's because I'm really fascinated by the whole oriental culture that I wanted to get people from that culture to play in my music video. I specifically focused my A2 blog on the females instead of a mixture because I felt like girls bullying other girls is weird. My conclusion is that there is synergy going on with every single post I put out. All of the images I released on this blog all linkup with what the blog is trying to explain as a whole as you would see the emotions of the victims and bullies. Also, the plain background with the text "Reset" shows that simplicity of the situation and infers how one can get out of that situation by simply standing up for themselves. I believe that from watching the final product first or looking at the blog first would automatically make you see how it's linking up with each other really well with the use of synergy. 

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