These are the results of my survey research. What I found is that my survey was completed by more males than females. Now that's fantastic on it's own however, because my music video idea and concept are based on females getting bullied and the females being my primary target audience. The results was not what I expected. Also, because I distributed this music video questionnaire to more females than males. So diagram 1 asking the question "What is your gender?" the statistics show that most of my responses were from a male dominant group. It states that 20% more males responded to this questionnaire than females. Now that's significantly quiet a lot.
What I found here is that most people who took this music video questionnaire survey are mostly between the ages 18-25. It states in the diagram that 60% of responses came from that age group. What I found interesting about this diagram is that '16 or under?' and '26 or above?' both got the same amount of responses. The diagram shows that both of these "answer choices"got 20% responses. In total 10 people completed this question and survey. So we can see from this data that most people who completed the survey completely are of ages 18-25.
Here is where everything starts to get interesting, as the two questions above are not really exciting or creative. "What type of music video do you like and why do you like it?" From the results that I have got back by completing this research is fantastic. We get diverse answers to this question. We have some people interested in Nasheeds, Dance, Hip-Hop, Political, RNB and Grime. The list goes on. So this information tells me that people of all different types of interests in music genres have completed my music video questionnaire survey. Which I find brilliant. It means that I will get a diverse answers even with a small amount of people completing the survey.
Again with this question I found more interesting answers. A lot of people gave kind of the same answer but in different choice of words. From this information I can tell that each and everyone of those who answered this question in this music video questionnaire have one thing in common. All of them want something that can grab the audiences attention. Now although a lot of the responses state they want special effects etc. having special effects in music videos usually grabs peoples attention so making this creating awareness of bullying music video reveal things that a lot of people can relate with will surely draw people of all experiences.
The responses that I got for this question states a lot of things that loads of music videos of 2015 keep producing. It's understandable why they would keep pushing with the material that's beyond common and seeable. These days a lot of people are not inspired by something that will mentally challenge the brain. There are people like myself who love watching music videos which have more creativity and thought but most people can't be asked with it. However, seeming from this result that people are fed up with the common attributes so I can definitely take this information into action.
This question kind of links in with the previous question. Again we have people stating the common attributes used and it's got to a point where it's not unique or attracting their minds to it enough. I mean we have a lot of responses to do with naked woman, drugs and typical money. Without anyone having to say it these things don't attract me to use them at all in the music video. The whole point of my idea is to create awareness of bullying and make sure people start to open their eyes to those around them who may be facing these issues currently.
What I found here is that a lot of people disagree with bullying. They know that it's wrong and it shouldn't go on. We also have someone state that "It's awful but part of life" so we can see by the results that everyone can acknowledge that it exists and it needs to be stopped. By creating this music video and making it the best as we can afford may very well help in succeed in someone's life who is going through this harsh reality. And if that happens that will fantastic and will show that every little awareness can help someone out there get back on their feet and take action on anything pulling them down.
This is probably the most important information that I can take away from this data. Simply because it's giving me a more creative and bigger way to think of all the possible ways I can target these issues and relay them in this music video. It's definitely worth considering these options and I personally think that some of these ideas can be great to combined and shown through the use of music and art to create something amazing. I think that's what I want to create. Also to leave my school with a really polished music video that can in future be referenced for the new generations.
Lastly and really obvious with the results here on where most people would have picked. 55.56% responded to a school being the location of the music video and without a doubt it will 100% involve a school in the music video. School and especially secondary school are when bullying starts to kick in most of the times. So that response takes the lead by far making out "other" take second place with 33.33%. In third place "streets" with 11.11% and unfortunately for "hospital" 0.00%. As you can see from this data the hospital wouldn't have stand a chance.
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