My target audience are parents, teachers and students. This is because my song 'Reset' is about bullying. Although, it's mainly directed towards students; it's to create awareness to themselves and to teachers and parents who are unaware. There's no specific age criteria. If you're a parent of someone or a teacher of some sort or a student of some sort. You are the target audience that I aim to reach. Ideally my main target audience are students such as the one shown in this picture. If I was to decide on a specific age criteria for the students, it would probably be from year 7 on-ward. So demographically around the the ages of 12-21. I picked out a female target audience because in the song I'm talking about a female being bullied, so it just makes sense to have a female target audience. However, the song generalizes all the negative things to do with bullying, so it can be targeted for both male and female victims and bullies. Also, the specific girl I picked is someone who is pretty but has a minor flaw that leads to her being verbally attacked etc. So initially a girl like her would be the primary target audience of my music video. In the music video itself I'll be contrasting with different scenarios to show that anyone can be bullied. Even kids that are popular can be turned on as well as geeks, nerds and anything and everything else associated with those terms.
I also wanted my secondary target audience to be teachers and parents. In most cases that I know or have heard of, the teachers and parents start to figure out things far too late when their child is being bullied or if their child is being the bully. This is something that I in particular want to tackle as it's not right. Also, I want to be the first to tackle an issue that hasn't been thought out like this before. If I'm able to reach my primary and secondary audiences, I have done a good job.
Target Audience Profile Information:
Age:12-21 Gender: Female Social Demographic:C1 Occupation:Studying Hobbies:Music Style: KPOP Media Grouping: ......... What uses & Gratifications will your music video offer to your audience? What solutions will your music video offer to their problems?
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