Saturday, 18 July 2015

In-depth Analysis 3 4 Minute's Crazy!

The title of the song is "Crazy" and we get a sense straight away from the first few different types of camera shots, angles and movement from the mis-en-scene. As the females are wearing all black clothes to associate the colour scheme with death possibly. The sole fact that the title of the song is called "Crazy" could possibly indicate that working in big industries can make you become crazy. That's because the more popular you are the more work and extra activities you'll have to do. Considering the black and white touch does definitely empower it. The colour scheme in this music video is extremely powerful as everything you see is black and white. The setting is grey but adding that additional effect does create a whole new meaning. For one it could be telling us indirectly how the girls emotions are. The black and white could stand for the loneliness within their hearts.
Adding onto that the people that's with the main female group are wearing balaclavas and masks which could put out an even deeper meaning to the music video. The balaclavas and masks could indicate the corruption in the organisations they got themselves apart of. Also, the music video is really flashy and has fast pace cuts that was probably done to match in with the name of the song. There's even a shot of a triangle that some people may think it's linked with corrupted members of society. Now looking at it from another angle I could infer that the girls are being overly sexualised in this music video as the costume designer made quiet few revealing clothes. So even though the song is not actually speaking about love or romance the music video has a lot of inappropriate shots because of the clothes worn and the body language. Again possibly linking in with the corruption of today's society. Looking at it from a trend perspective I can denote that this music video is definitely reflecting upon that fashions sense. The less clothes you wear or the more creative it looks is now today's trend. The setting reflects a chess board maybe even the dark horse.

Even with that said this music video proves to be one of the most craziest edits done. The way everything plays is really nicely put and the speed of each clips duration is perfect matched. 4 Minute is another group like Playback which are probably managed and directed by males. The music video is based in one location but the dancing proves to show so much creative aspects!
Now I picked another music video to compare with 4 Minute's "Crazy" it's by Girls Generation called "Catch Me If You Can" totally similar to this music video as it's located in one setting and based on the creative dancing. It's been beautifully edited out with camera shots, angles and movements.

This music video is really creative as well because not only does it have non diegetic sound but also it has diegetic sound played in the beginning sequence. This song solely depends on the creative dancing and it really works well in this music video. However, the girls are being overly objectified. So again and its definitely for a male audience. These are few shots of the clothing style that represent the male gaze. In comparison to what men usually wear in construction sites is not revealing at all. However, the girls in this music video are wearing construction clothes that have been designed to be sexually represented in a negative way. In Laura Mulvey's theory, every media text in the usual cases that have women being portrayed are being viewed by the male audience. If not then viewed by other women. Musicians and famous people in general have
a lot of influence on masses of audiences and especially fans. Laura Mulvey's theory on how women/girls look at other women/girls is being shown in this music video. Little teenage girls would look up to these girls as their potential role models. They would start having similar dress sense, their attitude can start to change and many more other practical ways they can follow their favorite musicians etc. When a superstar get's his/her hair dyed to a different color or mixture of colors that can be a very big thing for fans, as they will want to do the same as the superstar to show their appreciation or love.

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