Sunday 7 February 2016


I personally think my work from AS Media Studies in comparison to my work from A2 Media Studies shows a drastic change. I believe that in AS Media Studies I was getting used to the whole idea of blogging before even taking up Media as an A-Level I never used or heard of blogger if I'm honest. I was always used to filming and creating media texts as I pretty much used everything else other than Blogger. However, I realised that Blogger is actually really fun to use and is something beneficial to me now. My work from AS Media Studies was like the starting step for me even though I already knew how to do everything else it was definitely something new for me. In AS Media Studies I was pretty much playing around constantly with the settings and was always trying to find the best look for my eyes. In A2 Media Studies it was totally different because I clearly knew what I wanted to do from the very beginning. I believe that's what mostly shows the huge gap difference between the two.

Another factor that made my AS Media Studies and A2 Media Studies totally different from each other was the fact that the topic at hand is not the same. AS Media Studies was strictly focusing on creating an opening sequence for a film. On the other hand, A2 Media Studies was solely focusing on music videos. In my opinion creating an opening sequence for a film didn't interest me much. I don't know why but I felt like it wasn't the type of media text I'm really interested in creating. Whereas, music videos is something that I'm always interested in creating. My opinion can be biased because I'm a musician and I'm always use to music videos in general as I have to in order for my work to be promoted and as an upcoming future artist something that has to be met. So in A2 when I heard that the topic I would be doing for my last year of Media is music videos, I was really excited. You might be wondering why I would be excited to do something that I pretty much am always doing every 3-6 months or now and then. Well that's because I had my latest mini album released around the time I found out what I would be doing for year 13 in Media. It got me fired up because it meant that I can use time from one of my subjects to focus on one of my greatest songs.

I believe that as a person when you're interested in something specific whenever that arises you as a human being would have the natural instinct to want to do so much for that. Whereas, doing something that you aren't too keen on but you have to do it in order for you to just be flexible in the future or because you want a good grade at the end. You can clearly identify how much effort you actually put into the work if it was to be measured. That's how it was like for my AS to A2. I felt that AS didn't offer the topic that I desired to do the most in Media but A2 did. Looking back at my AS to A2 the level of effort I put is much more. You can easily notice this as I finished my A2 in 3-4 months and my AS I finished a month before the due date.

What made my A2 Media Studies really fun in comparison to my AS Media Studies was the fact that I got to do the topic that I wanted to do the most and because of that I created so much other work linking to the final product. Also, this year I wanted to work by myself just because it was a lot more easier for me. It was really fun because I had a big cast and it was absolutely delightful working with them. I got five actresses, two camera men and one assistance. We completely aced the shoots the way we had planned and all of us had a fantastic experience working together.

In my A2 Media Studies I got to do a lot more editing and that was because I had a big cast that I wanted to make other videos on but all based around my final product. Also, the assemblies that I did and other promotional works that were happening after. My A2 is just on a level of it's own compared to my AS.

In conclusion:

My AS Media Studies work was the beginning step for me. I was getting use to the whole idea of blogger and how it worked. I didn't put as much as effort into making the visuals look top notch. However, it still looked nice. Also, The topic at hand wasn't something I was keen on and so I had to adjust to it. In A2 Media Studies I knew what I wanted to do even before I found out what I would be studying for my A2. I had everything organized so quick that the project went smoothly and there wasn't any significant problem. Visually my A2 is on a completely different level to my AS. In other words AS is like 720p-1080p quality work and A2 is like 2K-4K quality work. That's a huge different in size. I believe that because it was the second stage of my course the quality of effort has to be much more than the first stage.

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