Tuesday 22 September 2015

Theorists / How does it apply to your work

In this post I'll be explaining media theorists and how their theories apply to my work. I will include why I chose the topic that I did and relate it back to how media theorists have helped me develop different perspectives.

Before considering the statements of media theorists and their judgement. I already have a very independent mind and one that always wants to do different from what theorists have stated. It was only until a little later in my media further education course that I realized that there are media theorists from different categories who make a lot of sense out of the way the media works. The first person that I will like to elaborate on is Laura Mulvey. A woman that instigated the whole idea of what might have been misinterpreted. I'm pretty convinced that the media back in the 19th century possibly could've been creating content with the perception of it looked visually stunning. Now I'm not trying to imply that producers and editors back in the 19th century might have not consciously known about the particular elements they insert in their own product. However, we cannot deny the fact that Laura Mulvey was the first person to state how this hegemony has been implanted without us realizing. Well that's apparent. Her theory completely relates to what we always see in media in 2016 and all the way back to before she even took consideration of it. The hegemony behind all the fundamentals is really scary to such that it stereotypes the male gender into a specific department. Laura Mulvey who talks about the "Male Gaze" is basically saying that every time we see a film after understanding her theory we always see the female being overly-sexual and all the time that she is its from the males point of view. It's gotten to the point that people see it as being a normal attribute to their lifestyle. Unfortunately, I really disagree with this hegemony and agree with Laura Mulvey's theory. Yes you can say that its very glamorous and attractive but for the topic I chose I'm not trying to hypnotize my target audience with sexual indecencies. Rather I am trying to implement into their minds that bullying is wrong and it is happening everyday in different institutes. In order for us to put a stop to this nonsense we have to have an open mind and see things out from everyone's perspectives and not just be selfish and think from ones.  

Another theorist that relates to my work is Rick Altman who speaks about semantic, syntactic and pragmatic values. I do feel as if in my final product the way me and my lovely group decided to go about things and the semantic way we was looking at it was a stereotype. However, as the director and musician I subjectively wanted to show how annoying and
alarming bullying can be. This meant that I didn't want to just make it some fairy story I wanted it to strictly focus on real life because we have had too many that don't show the real side of things or show the best and quickest method to stopping someone bullying you. It might be one of the most rational methods and or obvious methods but it is the most impacting method. Therefore, we didn't follow up on Rick Altman's syntactic theory which is something that will happen at the end like in a love story.We created the unexpected but also the most important scene in my final product which clearly demonstrates the victim holding her ground against the bully. That was clearly the main purpose of why I created this whole project and it absolutely fits perfectly for a school and every institute linked with school environment. 

My last theorist that I focused on is Steve Neale (1980) who basically goes on about genre and how instances of repetition can attract less audiences. Now the genre that my song will classify under is the Hip-Hop genre. In a lot of Hip-Hop music videos you would see a semantic and hegemony view and set up. In other words half naked women shaking their butts and the rapper wearing flashy clothes with pointless chains around their necks. However, my music video completely denies the existence of that whole ideology. I completely wanted to ignore having ridiculous elements stereotyped majority of the time in this music video. At the end of the day my goal is to help benefit people at risk of doing something consequential without understanding that it can lead to consequences. I don't want young or old people dying for stupid reasons like someone is verbally insulting me continuously everyday and I can't take life anymore because of this. I want victims and ex victims as well as bullies and ex bullies and literally every single human being to take this into consideration. Bullying can be stopped if you have confidence in yourself and understand that the only reason you would be getting picked on is because people see you as someone vulnerable and someone who would take that garbage. So my music video is strictly focusing on sending our positive messages and hopefully guiding the ignorance out and bring in an open minded understanding of different perspectives. 

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