Sunday 12 July 2015

Initial Ideas

I have so many ideas that I want to input in my music video. The way I was thinking of laying out the sequence was having my first main actress Caxie in a bathroom or toilet looking at one of her shirt which has been vandalized with mean comments about her. Within that shot I was planning to have a lot of different camera angles and movements so we can see her emotions from different views. For example, having a point of view shot looking towards the vandalized shirt and then a close up shot of her face. This way I believe everyone would be understanding of what's going on. After the bathroom or toilet scenes I was imagining to have Caxie run out of the place crying. At this point I will be introduced somewhere else as I will only be performing my song in a specific location. I was thinking of the roof of a building and somewhere in nature. As my scenes and shots are happening there will be fast paste cuts between them. While Caxie's story continues she meets with 3 bullies from her high school who then pick on her. I was planning to have multiple shots at that point. An interesting shot that has to be in the music video are the shots of the bullies recording the victim from their phones. Those recordings in particular would make the music video concept perfect and more realistic.That's how much I thought of so far. In the later part of the sequence I will have recordings of university boys who commit the same crime.

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